Business Practice Interchange (BPI)

The Business Practice Interchange, or BPI, as it is commonly known, is one of the most valuable services offered to ASA members. The BPI, a program conducted by ASA Chapters, provides for the exchange of business and credit information about subcontractors clients.


Before you place your bid in the hand of the General Contractor or Construction Manager, there are certain questions that must be answered to protect your financial health.

  • How does the contractor pay his bills?
  • How well does the contractor organize his jobs?
  • What subcontract clauses will I be asked to sign?

If you do not know the answer to these questions and other critical questions, you can easily find out from other ASA members who have experience with the company.


The American Subcontractors Association of South Carolina maintains and each participant agrees to abide by the following policies regarding the Business Practice Interchange Program:

  1. Any information that is provided during the exchange of information shall be:
    • Pertinent to contracting, payment, credit & business practices of particular identified customers
    • Factual and business-like
    • accurate
    • objective
    • first hand; not “rumors” and “hearsay” information;
    • responsive and pertinent to the request; and
    • current.

    Conversely, participants shall refrain from observations which are:

    • Sarcastic
    • disparaging; “opinion” or “conjecture”
    • rumor or hearsay
    • stale or outdated; based upon subjective, personal feelings, impressions, animosities or other emotional reactions; and/or
    • directed to a planned or proposed future course of action.
  2. It is understood that each participant shall be free to act or refuse to act on the basis of any information supplied during such exchange and that any action taken on the basis of such information shall be in accordance with each participant’s own, independently-formed judgment after appropriate investigation and consideration.
  3. Participants shall avoid the approach of “we” should do this or that. No participant shall suggest any courses of action to any other participant or any third party in reliance upon information that is provided and no participant shall participate in any agreement, understanding or suggestion which tends to promote uniform action among the membership with respect to dealing with, refusing to deal with any other person or firm, or the terms or conditions of any business agreement.
  4. It is understood that in conducting this program, the ASA of South Carolina is merely providing a forum for the exchange of information among members. No exchange of such information or other business conducted shall imply any recommendation on the part of ASA of South Carolina that any future individual or collection action of any kind or nature should be taken or avoided.
  5. No participant shall discuss or exchange information relating to his/her own current or future prices, bids, credit policies contract terms and conditions, business practices, or other matters which may tend to suggest adoption of such policies by other participants, members or third parties.
  6. A participant shall not seek to restrict or interfere with the exercise of free and independent judgment by other participants, members or third parties in the management of their respective businesses.
  7. No participant or member shall request, discuss or exchange information relating to another member of ASA.
  8. Each participant acknowledges and agrees that information acquired during the BPI or data access is confidential and shall be used only within the participant’s company in connection with its business decisions. No such information will be shared with non-members or non-participants.
  9. The Chair of Presiding Officer of the BPI at chapter meeting is authorized to prevent discussion of inappropriate topics from occurring or proceeding.



The American Subcontractors Association of South Carolina (ASA of SC) is a two-state chapter under the framework of the American Subcontractors Association national office located in the Washington DC area.

save the date July 24-27, 2025
State Convention

Start planning now for the 2025 South Carolina Convention being held at Harrah's Cherokee Hotel & Casino in NC. Send your team and enjoy the benefits for years to come.