About ASA of SC

About ASA

The American Subcontractors Association (ASA) was founded by a group of subcontractors  operating in the Washington DC area in 1966. Beset by customary industry abuses, these contractors  realized that each was pursuing his own individual course and the major problems confronting them  collectively were largely ignored. There was no spokesperson. The more unified groups had the leverage. 

ASA was born out of that frustration – an organization dedicated to serving the interest of  subcontractors regardless of trade, an organization that would complement existing specialty trade  associations rather than compete with them. It was truly an idea whose time had come. 

Within weeks, the Washington group established communication with similar local groups  struggling to achieve parity for subcontractors and ASA was born. In a few short years, ASA had developed  a voice that older, traditional power wielding groups were forced to acknowledge. 

ASA chapters continued to spring up all over the country and by the 1970’s had spanned the  country from coast to coast. Membership grew into the thousands – and has continued to grow because  objectives were followed by solid accomplishments. 

The American Subcontractors Association, Inc. is an IRS section 501 (c) (6) non-profit national  membership trade association of 5,500 subcontractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers in the  construction industry. ASA is governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with ASA bylaws. Every  three years, ASA develops a Strategic Plan. 

  • ASA Vision: The American Subcontractors Association is recognized as the united voice dedicated  to improving the business environment in the construction industry. 
  • ASA Mission: The American Subcontractors Association, comprised of professional constructors,  suppliers, and service providers, represents the construction industry through advocacy,  leadership, education, and networking.
  • ASA Values: The ideals and beliefs of ASA are ethical and equitable business practices, quality  construction, a safe and healthy work environment, integrity, and membership diversity.

About ASAC

The American Subcontractors Association of the Carolinas, Inc. (ASAC) was a two-state chapter  under the framework of the ASA National Association. Within the framework of ASAC (chartered 6/4/69),  membership grew to approximately 200 member firms spread across North and South Carolina with up  to five active subchapters coordinated through a storefront ASAC office located in Lancaster, SC.  

In 2017, a decline in revenue prompted a push to modernize and increase the use of digital platforms to  promote ASAC and conduct association business. The website was updated and an electronic media  marketing firm was engaged in an attempt to expand our member base. The cost and effort of transitioning to electronic commerce while trying to maintain a brick-and-mortar presence and holding on to the traditional ways of doing business resulted in a budget crisis. In 2018, a budget task force was assembled to objectively examine the budget and current business model and was asked to recommend ways to reduce costs to make ASAC more efficient. It was determined that a significant portion of the budget was spent on paid staff including taxes and benefits and on maintaining the office an office along with the associated utilities and costs. The Board decided to close the office and shift to a part-time chapter administrator to help assist local chapters.

In 2019, membership and participation in ASAC activities by the chapters in Charlotte and Raleigh declined  and by the end of 2020, only the chapters in Columbia, SC (Midlands) and Charleston were active. The  dozen or so members in North Carolina were without local leadership and were not organized or meeting  at all. In 2021, with the support of ASA National, the Board made the decision to incorporate in South  Carolina as ASA of South Carolina and dissolve the North Carolina corporation. The remaining North  Carolina members would be absorbed by ASA National as at-large members. ASA National would provide  member administration and would be responsible for oversight should any of the North Carolina chapters  be reconstituted and become active again. 

About ASA of SC

The American Subcontractors Association of South Carolina, Inc. (ASA of SC) was incorporated in  February 2022 with active subchapters in Columbia (Midlands) and Charleston, South Carolina and  operates under the framework of the ASA National Association. The approximately 120 member firms  are supported by an administrator who coordinates the website and the administration of the chapter.  All chapter business is conducted on-line through our website: www.subcontractorscarolina.com including new member applications, benefits of membership, event registration, a membership directory,  lien lists, a job board, and links to resources provided by ASA National. ASA of SC continues to provide  services to our membership including: 

  • Assisting local chapters and their individual members with business issues. ASA of SC is  available to assist members by answering questions and making referrals.
  • Maintaining a digital database (Business Practices Interchange – BPI) of general contractors  throughout the United States to provide subcontractor references on payment practices,  contract clauses, and job organization. The BPI is a member-only service and can be accessed  on the ASA of SC website. 
  • Maintaining liaisons with other statewide organizations in the industry. 
  • Promoting legislation favorable to subcontractors and suppliers in the Carolinas. • Maintaining a membership directory on the website that is accessible to members, general  contractors, architects, and owners for their use in soliciting bids. 
  • Supporting the activities of the Specialty Trade Associations Council (STAC). STAC is a group  of independent construction trade associations in North and South Carolina established for  the purpose of pursuing legislative matters with united specialty trades influence. 
  • Presenting an annual convention and trade show for the subcontracting industry in a resort  setting. Attendees are updated on innovative ideas for operating in the present business  climate through educational programs and networking in addition to planned recreational  and social activities. 

The American Subcontractors Association of South Carolina (ASA of SC) is organized under the framework of the American Subcontractors Association national office located in the Washington DC area.

save the date July 24-27, 2025
State Convention

Start planning now for the 2025 South Carolina Convention being held at Harrah's Cherokee Hotel & Casino in NC. Send your team and enjoy the benefits for years to come.